A Tribute to the Best of the Best

I don’t remember the first years of my life
But I know it was cradled in your love.
Old photographs and recordings remind me of that.
Small toes next to your big ones
Tiny fingers curled against your strong chest
Surprise me how small I once was
How fragile

I remember your big hand enveloped in mine as we walked together
(and now my hands are as big as yours)
To buy those secret treats that mother forbade me from having.
I remember my knight in shining armour when you rescued me from her justified wrath
And the sincerity of your apologies when you lost your temper at me and saw me cry.
(I’m only human, my love. Sometimes grownups make mistakes, too)
I remember the silly, guilty look when I demanded explanations to my “lost” favourite candies
That I had artfully
(as stealthily as an eight-year-old considers)
Hidden from you
I remember the goofy grin that you make as you wipe away those incriminating pieces of evidence (of chocolate or otherwise) on your face
And I smile at the fact that this is something you still do
(never change, daddy)

Daddy, I remember
From the eyes of a wide-eyed child,
The depths of your mind seemed to stretch as boundless as the universe
As you explain to me the reasons for the blue in a blue sky
Or as you spin an exciting story of China’s historical past
Or as you guide me through a daunting writing assignment, stringing words together in an elegant manner that I could never fathom to master

And although
You don’t seem like the omniscient giant I gazed up from a child’s view anymore
You still have so much to teach me,
And I am forever humbled by your humility to the nature of man
And to the immutable forces of nature

And although
You can no longer raise me to the sky like you used to
(make me fly, daddy! As high as the sky!)
Or march me around on your strong shoulders
You still stubbornly take my suitcase whenever I come home
And take all the grocery bags even though my two hands are empty
(insisting it’s no big deal)
Rubbing the back of your head
Self-consciously complaining about your thinning hair

And although
You are no longer completely in touch with all parts of my life anymore
(and often interrupt me to ask for the definition of my recently acquired jargon)
You still always listen to me
With that one functional ear
And smile when I tell you about my new life experiences
Laughing when I tell you about my naivety
Nodding solemnly when I unroll my frustrations
And commending me for taking it all in stride
In the way that you are, you look up medical articles and read through them diligently
So that you can have things to talk about with me
And you always remember to think of me
Whenever a relevant neuroscience-based piece of new flashes you by
Reminding me that you still are the attentive baba who knows my heart best

And daddy,
No matter how old you get
You will always mean the universe to me
In my eyes,
You will always be loving giant who shields me
In all the ways you can
And even when you lose all your hair
You will still be the best and most handsome man in the world

Because you will always and forever be the best man in my life
