Ze(n) Panda and Glia

Ze(n) Panda is a  neurology resident physician in Orange, CA. She has been a fanatic in neurosciences and brains since high school when she did her first fetal pig dissection in freshman year.

In her free time, she enjoys writing silly fictional stories, doodling, and testing out her out-of-shape dexterity on the piano. In general, Panda spazzes out over science, neuroscience, and all awesome puns.

You can find her obsessive doodles with cute things in her spare time at:
https://www.redbubble.com/people/zenpanda0?asc=u !!

Historically, the name was initially coined when Panda's friends astutely observed the chronic bags underneath her eyes. With the perpetual complaints of insomniac weariness and ever-constant black-and-white wardrobe, the name stuck. Close friends have been trying bruise her eyes for better effect. Apparently, it's out of love.

This is Glia. He is a one-year Tabby rescue who is the supportive system to the wreck of my life. He's a little monster already, but he keeps me sane and makes sure I take care of him and myself.
