Lots of Thoughts, Never Enough Time...

I guess because I have never blogged before, I do not know how to get into this habit of blogging frequently. My writing habits have always been quite ... sporadic. I write a lot, and then I write nothing.
What a terrible writer (if I can even call myself one).

My return home to Taiwan was both nostalgic and exciting as I revisited a lot of childhood fond-spots as well as experienced an update in the culture. There was much food and shopping involved as is the case for any tourist. We visited family, and I met up with some old friends. It was comforting to know that it is much the same as I last left it but also refreshing to know that the changes that have occurred are not completely off-putting. Of course, nothing drastic really was observed, but it is often the small differences that really tell us that "it has been a while".

Aside from our trip, I have returned to regular life - volunteering at my lab and tutoring over the weekends. Busy during the week and busy during the weekends. Just the way I like it.

Well, almost.

Last week, I finally pushed through with still-wavering courage to meet X. Waving the lie of working overtime, I flew over to visit him and his cats. It was a great experience while the secrecy lasted. The season-ful east coast was not a place I had ever gone to, so it was quite an eye-opening experience at all the novelty. Of course, there was much heart-warming moments to finally see X in person again after a couple of months. I feel like he missed me more than I did him, though.

Alas, my secret was too transparent. I blame it on my ineptitude at lying.

My return was full of anxiety and guilt. It was not a particularly pleasant experience nor was it painfully awful. It was ... awkward. There was much talking, lots of silences, some more talking, and I think we have reached some sort of half-understanding.

With some time wedging between us, this "fiasco" has started to settle, and more logical conversations are taking over the more emotional ones. While it was stressful and filled with much literal hair-pulling, I am hoping that these events will push all of us (by us, I mean, my mother and I) into a new plane of understanding.

Wow. No writing and then a lot of writing.
