A Point of Clarification

I realized I never quite explained the purpose of this blog title. And now I shall.

I originally created this blog to post my stories. Christopher Shade is a particular character that I have been writing about since 2004-ish, so he is an old one. He originally started out as a half vampire (beFORE all this Twilight nonsense), and then I started developing the universe as I gave the characters complexity and depth. As time went on, so did the versions and outcomes of the stories.

When I restarted this blog, I had thought about changing the title to something more appropriate for my purposes. As I reevaluated, however, I realized the purpose of this blog was still to write about my stories. They were simply stories about my life instead of my fictional friends. And while Christopher Shade and many of my other characters are simply the chemical leftovers of my overactive and over-pretentious brain, they have become a large part of me.

A creative definition of some sorts.

And so I have kept the title.
And there may be stories about Christopher Shade and his friends intermixed somewhere.
