Planting another Milestone #match2017

At first, the rustling of frantic hands opening paper envelopes.
Some squeaks of panic, some held breaths, some paper shoving into loved ones' hands to do the deed.
Then, the auditorium was filled with echoing screams, cries, and laughter.

Everywhere around, people were hugging and shouting. Jumping up and down in ecstasy and looking around in baffled amazement. In front of me, SL opened her letter, and tears came almost as soon as her eyes turned red. Shaking, she uttered a "yes" and let out a shaky smile. Almost uncertain of the reality of this situation. P had already opened her note and was smiling. SS shook, breathing hard, and she leaned against the table like a football player getting ready onto the field. Finally, she opened her envelope, and burst into tears. 

When I opened my letter, my initial feelings were muted. Maybe it was the initial shock, maybe it was the unceremonious way it was received (since no one asked or was looking), but I didn't feel much. Really, it was the collective emotions of euphoria and relief that finally swayed me into tears. 

It's been a long journey. Almost-four years seem simultaneously slow and fast. It feels likes yesterday that we started this trek, standing in the warm grass of Thatcher Park. It also feels like eons ago when we sat in the Orange Chicken room doodling V as a single-eye pirate in distraction from studying. Time seems distorted and hazy, but when everything converged into this moment, I was so in disbelief that this was happening that I don't think I reacted much.

Looking back, I felt like I should have jumped in joy, screamed, and laughed as everyone else. Looking back, I realized what made me more happy than getting into the institution of my choice was this collective joy that everyone was experiencing. The frantic rushing in between people, asking "where are you going?" and the subsequent shriek-hug that followed, and then dashing to find other friends - that was made my heart swell and feel the reality of the moment. 

These people have become my family over the last four years. Although I don't know everyone personally, I know that everyone has struggled through similar strife. I know everyone was anxious about today, wishing for an unknown future with many promises. I know that wherever they may go, they will shine brilliantly. And I know that when I leave this place, I will miss them sorely. 

It was an exciting time, and it really all felt like a blur. When the commotion died down some, and everyone had happily fussed over each other, I went to the corner of the auditorium, sat down, and called my parents. I think it was in those moments that I really cried for myself. Finally uttering "Mom, dad, I did it. I did it.", I choked on my words and just rubbed my nose when they congratulated me with their Asian "yay yay yay". 

I am thankful for this day, for the friends that have supported me through this ordeal of medical school, and for our happiness in these ecstatic moments of revelation. I think, never again will we share such a moment of great success, and I think it's a milestone that we have achieved together as the class of 2017. So thank you to this excellent class and all the people who have helped us along the way!
