
Showing posts from 2019

Forever Tired...

Spinal Taps - EEKS!

No Tissue No Issue - Heme/Onc Consults!

It's a Cranial Ball!!

The Real Reason I love Horror ....?

Only YOU can prevent Epileptic Fires

Elevator Talk

Rolling with the Punches

Big stroke big picture!

The Art of Medicine

ICU! Ayeeeee

Cat Therapy

Setting Expectations

Farty Cat?

Before vs. After Cat

Diverting Cloud Gloom!

Social Media and Human Connection in 2019

The Flounder SIgn

Awkward Moments: Fire in the Hole!

Sleepy Mistakes?!


Night Time Revelations

Empathy and Boba

Break Time = Boba Run!

24 Hours of a Neurology Resident

Stinky Hair

Losing and Rediscovering Hobbies

Carrying That Black Cloud

Breaking Down Those Walls

When You Get That Day OFF

Asian Customs

Give It Back!

Paper is Life

Interesting Findings: Paredolia

Sick Days

Pager Waifu

Just Smile

UCI's Best Neurology Team!

Dat Slam Dunk!