
Showing posts from 2018

Let Us Inspire!

Love Bites

Doctor Sayings: More Eyes?

Rounding Pains

They Call Me Space Buns

Forever Alone

The Smells of the Hospital

Short Vs. Long Coat

Residency Weight Gain...

Neurology Sayings: Splitting Paresthesias

Matching Anxieties

My anxiety!!

The Romantic Thyroid!

Residency Frustrations

Neurology Sayings: So Gross!

Body Transplant?

Still Afraid

Brain Transplants

Neurology has some weird devices

The Thing with Cats is ...

Derp of the Day #2

Some days ....

End of PGY-1: Delayed Thoughts

Victory of the Day #1

Can I curbside you?

Halcyon Days

Neurology Sayings: Dense Hemiplegia

Can I Pick Your Brain?

Intro to Neurology! We're the COOL KIDS!

Doctor Sayings: Adequate UTI!

More Weight Gain Anxiety

More Medical Angst!

Doctor Sayings: Let me go eyeball the patient!

Bolus of admission

Derp of the Day #1

Feeling Top of the Pyramid?

We All Have Those Days

Wandering Thoughts

This MD is Shared

N00b Driver


Feeling Small

Married to my Pager

I Just Wanna be a Star!

Cute Hair Don't Care!

That Bolus schedule!

Neurology - Intern Year 2.0!


Weekends Breakdown

White Cloud vs Black Cloud